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How do I access player by ID?

There are actually several ways to access a player by their id.

However, we need context of what type of ID you are looking for in the first place.

ID Above the Player Head

This ID may be obtained by using the following API pathway.

If the user is online the target will be valid.

const someNumber = 5;
const target = Athena.get.player.byID(someNumber);
if (!target || !target.valid) {
    throw new Error(`Target could not be found`);

Character ID in the Database

The Character ID may be obtained by using the following API pathway.

If the user is online the target will be valid.

const someCharacterIdentifier = '631779e7119e86368a313e1c'; //
const target = Athena.get.player.byDatabaseID(someCharacterIdentifier)
if (!target || !target.valid) {
    throw new Error(`Target could not be found`);

Account ID in the Database

The Account ID may be obtained by using the following API pathway.

If the user is online the target will be valid.

const someAccountIdentifier = '631779e7119e86368a313e1c';  // player.accountData._id
const target = Athena.get.player.byAccount(someAccountIdentifier)
if (!target || !target.valid) {
    throw new Error(`Target could not be found`);

Character Document while Offline

Use this to obtain a Character document for a player who is offline.

This must be an async function to work.

async function doSomething() {
    const someCharacterIdentifier = '631779e7119e86368a313e1c'; //
    const character = await Athena.database.funcs.fetchData('_id', someCharacterIdentifier, Athena.database.collections.Characters)
    if (typeof character === 'undefined') {
       throw new Error(`Character could not be found with that _id`);

Account Document while Offline

Use this to obtain a Account document for a player who is offline.

This must be an async function to work.

async function doSomething() {
    const someAccountIdentifier = '631779e7119e86368a313e1c'; // player.accountData._id;
    const account = await Athena.database.funcs.fetchData('_id', someAccountIdentifier, Athena.database.collections.Accounts)
    if (typeof account === 'undefined') {
       throw new Error(`Account could not be found with that _id`);

Created by Stuyk | Est. 2020