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5. Setup a Resource

Now moving back to the VSCode window where our server is located, it's time to setup our first resource so that we can join the server.

1. Setting up Folder Structure

There is a standard that many of the alt:V developers currently follow and this section is going to teach you what folders you need to make.

Create a folder called resources in the main file tree window.

Create a folder inside of resources called core, this will be the name of our 'resource'.

Inside of resources/core create three folders.

  • server
  • client
  • shared

Inside of server, client, and shared create another file called index.js.

2. Adding Imports to Server

Open the following file: resources/core/server/index.js

Append the following to the top.

import * as alt from 'alt-server';

alt.log(`Core Resource Started!`);
const spawnPoint = new alt.Vector3({ x: -867.1437377929688, y: -172.6201934814453, z: 37.799232482910156 });

 * Spawns the player and gives them a model.
 * @param {alt.Player} player
function handleSpawn(player) {
    player.model = 'mp_m_freemode_01';

// This event is called when a player connects to the server.
alt.on('playerConnect', handleSpawn);

3. Adding Imports to Client

Open the following file: resources/core/client/index.js

Append the following to the top.

import * as alt from 'alt-client';
import * as native from 'natives';

alt.log(`Hello from the 'F8' console menu on client-side.`);

4. Creating a resource.cfg

Every resource needs to have a resource.cfg to tell alt:V what files to load first.

Create a file called resource.cfg under resources/core.

Paste the following code inside of the resource.cfg file.

type: js,
main: server/index.js,
client-main: client/index.js,
client-files: [
deps: []

This is telling the server to load server/index.js on server-side first and also loading client/index.js on client-side.

5. Add the 'core' resource to server.cfg

Our last and final step is to update the server.cfg in the root of your project and add 'core' as a resource.

Open server.cfg and append core to the resources array.

6. Start the Server!

Now it's time to see we were successful in setting up our first alt:V Server.

Run the following command in your VSCode Terminal.



CMD / Command Prompt


If successful you should see this in your server console.

7. Connect to the Server

Now you can connect to your server through alt:V Direct Connect in the client.

The following IP(s) should work try one or the other.


8. Success!

Documentation Created with ❤️ by Stuyk