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3. Setup alt:V Server

After performing the workspace setup you should be inside of VSCode with an empty project. Now we can move on to setting up the rest of our project.

1. Obtaining Binaries

A binary is an executable file used to run the alt:V server.

We need these files to start up a server instance that we can connect to.

These files can be obtained manually from

However, for this tutorial we're going to use altv-pkg to install them quickly.

Run the following command in your VSCode Terminal.

npm install --save-dev altv-pkg

After it install runs the following command to download all binaries.

Run the following command in your VSCode Terminal.

npx altv-pkg release

If successful you should see the following in the folder tree.

2. Installing Types

Our next step is to install type definitions for alt:V to allow for auto-completion when we are writing code.

Run the following command in your VSCode Terminal.

npm install --save-dev @altv/types-client @altv/types-natives @altv/types-server @altv/types-shared @altv/types-webview @altv/types-worker

These are going to install various necessary packages in the node_modules folder.

If successful you should see the dependencies inside of package.json.

3. Adding a jsconfig.json

A jsconfig file can be used to show auto-completion across an entire JavaScript project.

This is not necessary if you are using TypeScript but in this tutorial it's a setup for JavaScript.

RIGHT-CLICK the file tree and CREATE NEW FILE and name it jsconfig.json

Paste the following content inside of the jsconfig.json file.

	"compilerOptions": {
		"target": "esNext",
		"module": "esNext",
		"rootDir": ".",
		"typeRoots": [

4. Adding the Server Configuration File

RIGHT-CLICK the file tree and CREATE NEW FILE and name it server.cfg.

Paste the following content inside of the server.cfg file.

name: 'alt:V Server'
port: 7788
players: 1024
debug: true
announce: false
gamemode: 'Freeroam'
website: ''
language: 'en'
description: 'alt:V Sample Server'
modules: [ 'js-module' ]
resources: []
#password: ultra-password


debug allows you to reconnect to the server, turn this off during production

5. Starting the Server


Keep in mind that not all server scripts obtained from third-parties may use the following info to run their server. They may have their own scripts to run which transpile code, or move files. Refer to their documentation for more information.

We are going to perform a quick test to ensure that the server loads correctly.

Run the following command in your VSCode Terminal.



CMD / Command Prompt


If successful the terminal should look similar to this screenshot.


DO NOT CONNECT to the server at this time. We need to configure a resource first.

5a. Shutting the Server Down

At any point if you need to shut down the server. Click on the Terminal and press these two keys together: CTRL + C.

This will terminate the server.

5b. Clearing the Terminal

If you need to clear the Terminal press these two keys together: CTRL + L.

This will completely clear the Terminal.

Alternatively you can open / close the terminal again.

6. Shut Down the Server

Before continuing to the next page. Ensure you shut down the server.

Documentation Created with ❤️ by Stuyk