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Server vs Client

alt:V has a lot of concepts and information to learn but hopefully this section will give you enough context on how to describe what you are looking for when you are building your first script.


  • You can open a console in-game by pressing F8.
  • You can quit a server by typing quit in the F8 console.
  • You can turn on debug mode for Reconnecting
    • Modify altv.cfg and append debug: 'true'
    • You can reconnect to a server with reconnect as long as the server has debug enabled.
    • You can enable debug on your server by adding debug: true to your server.cfg.
  • Reloading resources
    • You can reload a resource by typing restart resource-name-here in the server console.

Server vs Client

There are are two folders that exist in almost every resource with code in it.

These folders are client and server. They serve different purposes.

What is a client?

A client is the computer in which you are accessing this information from.

A client is also the user who connects to your GTA:V server.

When we want the client to see text on screen, we have to tell the client's computer or game what to do.

This means that if we want to show them text on screen, we need to tell heir game to show the text.

This is why we use natives to do things in the client's game.

You are meant to use alt-client as an import when you see the client folder.

What is a native?

A native is a function that can only be called on client-side.

Calling a native makes their GTA:V client do something specific.


  • Playing Animations
  • Drawing Text on Screen
  • Showing a Marker to the Client

You are meant to use natives as an import when you see the client folder.

What is a server?

Server also known as server-side is where you handle gamemode related logic.

This means manipulating player requests and events to act in a certain way.


  • Writing to a Database
  • Reading from a Database
  • Respawning a Player when the Die
  • Spawning a Player when they join the Server
  • Creating a Vehicle
  • Destroying a Vehicle
  • Giving a Player a Weapon
  • Changing Player Appearance
  • Changing Player Models

You are meant to use alt-server as an import when you see the server folder.


Let's do a recap on what you have learned in this section. Answer the following questions.

Where can natives be used?

Server Side
Client Side

How do you import server-side API?

import { alt } from 'alt'
import * as alt from 'alt-shared'
import * as alt from 'alt-client'
import * as alt from 'alt-server'

How do you import client-side API?

import * as alt from 'alt-shared'
import { alt } from 'alt'
import * as alt from 'alt-server'
import * as alt from 'alt-client'

Where do I write code to change a player model when they join a server?

Client Side
Server Side
All of the above

I want to call a game function what API do I use?


Documentation Created with ❤️ by Stuyk